Mindset - why the stories we tell ourselves matter

Mindset is a huge topic in the life-coaching world as it shapes how we feel, think and act. The quality of our mindset impacts our sense of identity and belonging and what we believe is possible.

In my role as holistic results coach I frequently suggest to clients to imagine that they are holding a magic wand that allows them to create the future their heart desires. I then invite them to describe in detail what this future looks like, i.e. what they see, hear, and feel. What’s astounding is how quickly people revert to talking about all the reasons why this desired future is not possible. Why do we do this to ourselves?

What if we started to pay more attention to the stories that we tell ourselves and by doing so potentially change the trajectory of our life?

Imagine inspiring yourself to take consistent actions toward your goals, not by berating yourself for all that you haven’t achieved yet, but by imagining, in the here and now, what it feels like to be that future self you desire. How would you walk, talk, relate to others, love, and act? I invite you to try this for yourself, allow yourself to step into the desired future you and notice how this impacts your level of motivation to take action toward your goals.

It is not only your motivation that will increase, by taking on this future identity you will find that you soon notice opportunities that might have otherwise slipped your awareness. This in return will lead to new actions that are aligned with your initial goal.

Interested in learning more and making sure you are clear on your goals, stay on track or get started? Click here to book a free personal strategy call with me, Uschi.


Stories versus facts


Navigating Life’s Transitions