Tips On How To Best Prepare For A Joyous Birth And Successful Parenting

I recently read a statement, challenging us to think of birth as “the world’s best kept secret to unlocking the power and wisdom of women”(1). How different would it be if we celebrated each pregnant woman as the powerful creative force she is and if we celebrated birth as an initiation and a time of great power?

Instead many of us view birth as somewhat outside of “normal” life, something we do to have the baby we desire or, I am sad to say, as something that happens to us and that we can’t avoid.

If we, however, view birth in the context of life as a journey of personal or spiritual growth, birth and parenthood take on a new light. We start to see that birth and parenting is not just something we must manage well but a rich and multi-layered experience with the potential of transformation and healing. A new life is entering this world and because of this everything and everyone is changing.

It is wise, however, to remind ourselves that there is work to be done. Pregnancy is the perfect time to journey within and connect with the deeper wisdom that resides within you. It is a time of letting go of the old and letting in the new. We know today that pregnancy represents a “window of neuroplasticity”(2), which means our biology makes it easier for us to break old habits and create new ones, new habits that are aligned with and supportive of the life we want to create as a family.

The question is how to best prepare so you can be fully present and navigate this journey wisely, calmly and joyously.

Pam England from “Birthing from Within” speaks of 3 levels of knowing - Modern, Personal and Intuitive (3).

Modern Knowledge
We know today that mind and body are interconnected. Gathering information about pregnancy, birth physiology and the art of breastfeeding, gives women and their partners confidence in their ability to make good decisions. This kind of knowledge is necessary when birthing inside the framework of modern medical practice. Modern knowledge helps mitigate common fears and insecurities and hence can have a positive influence on your overall wellbeing.

Intuitive Knowledge
However, intellectual/modern knowledge by itself can also leave one spinning in circles as pros and cons do not always stack up. It is in these situations that women who have developed a healthy relationship with their intuitive side are at an advantage. Learning to listen and trust your intuition can give you the power to make clear and precise decisions in times when it really matters. A birthing woman’s intuition can be her best ally in keeping herself and her baby safe.

Personal Knowledge
Knowing yourself and being clear about what truly matters to you and what it is you need to stand in your power and feel supported is tremendously reassuring. Self-awareness helps with identifying any habitual or reactive patterns that influence your decision making and your behaviour. Be aware, if those patterns are strong, they can easily override any common sense, logic or intuition. Becoming aware of what is, is the first step toward change. Increasing your personal and intuitive knowledge can be life changing.

Practical skills
Additional to the 3 levels of knowing it is essential to also practice certain skills and integrate them into your life till they become second nature to you. This takes time and doesn’t happen over night.

As you probably know, modern sciences, such as psychology and neurobiology, have been able to confirm and explain much of what ancient wisdom teachings have taught for centuries. We can prove today that becoming skilled in practices like mindfulness, meditation, breathwork or conscious movement directly influences our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

Having experienced the benefit of such skills in my own life and witnessed their life changing power in hundreds of my students, has inspired me to create a new, unique and holistic 6-step birth program called S.A.C.R.E.D.* This 6-step program provides a framework that, with an experienced facilitator at your side, enables you to work with YOUR specific needs, dreams, hopes and fears in relation to birth and beyond. It gives you a structure that makes it easier to take actions that are right for you and incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily life. It also offers techniques to help transform some of the limiting beliefs and/or blocked emotions that you feel are holding you back. I believe it to be one of the most transformative, effective and personalized birth preparation available in New Zealand.

Combining birth and parenting preparation with self-development makes so much sense given the neuroplasticity and shifts in self-identity we encounter during the time of pregnancy, birth and parenting. Don’t miss out, take time to pause and listen within. Connect deeply with who you are beneath the roles and identities you carry. Now is the right time.

*If you want to learn more about S.A.C.R.E.D., please click here, and book a FREE Value Discovery phone call with me, Uschi.

(1) Gillet, T. - I can’t find the exact blog post but check out Tracey’s work she is awesome:

(2) McGonigal, K. (2018). Choose to change [audio book].

(3) England, P. (2017). Ancient Map of Modern Birth. Albuquerque, New Mexico: Seven Gates Media.


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