Uschi Uschi

3 Proven Paths to Overcoming Procrastination

Do you know why you procrastinate? Is it because you are inherently lazy, lacking self-discipline or just don’t have enough will power?

Even though we often don’t know why it is so hard to start certain tasks we all know how frustrating and how time and energy consuming procrastination can be.

Discover 3 proven path to overcoming procrastination.

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Uschi Uschi

Goal Setting, Meditation And Coaching - What You Need To Know

Since working as a life/results coach, I have been surprised about the confusion and misconception among clients when it comes to goal setting.

People tell me that they don’t have a proper goal. They don’t recognize their wish to “feel more at peace within themselves” or to “love themselves fully” as a suitable goal to be coached on.

The truth is, your goal can be anything: finding inner peace, changing old habits, exploring a new career path, or discovering what it is you are really meant to be doing.

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