Musings On What It Means “To Thrive”

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”

- Maya Angelou

I love the word thrive. It literally creates a zing in my body, as if all my cells are shouting YES. I want to live in a world where everyone thrives in their own quiet or loud way.

I see thriving as a process from the inside out. We thrive when we connect to our inner wellspring to a point where it overflows and naturally shares itself with others. Like a fountain that draws its water from a deep and pure source.

If the word thrive does not resonate with you, I suggest that you find the word that points to something within you that makes all your cells listen up. So you will take heart and live a full and courageous life that brings you joy and satisfaction.


My personal musings on what it means to thrive.

To thrive is to be anchored within myself.

To thrive is to be connected to a spark of joy within me no matter how dire the outer circumstances.

To thrive is to have hope, not the hope that blindly believes  ‘everything will be alright at the end’ but the kind of hope that recognises, the only way to live is to think and act as if the future I envisage is possible.

To thrive is to have a sense of agency over my own life.

To thrive is to be able to receive the beauty of nature, the love and support of family and friends and the intuition and wisdom from within.

To thrive is to let my love and care for self and others flow freely.

To thrive is to live courageously, doing things despite the fear and discomfort I might feel.

To thrive is to be emotionally agile, able to let the difficult emotions flow through me without them getting lodged in my psyche.

To thrive is to nourish myself, body mind and spirit.

To thrive is to know myself and live aligned with my values.

To thrive is to live true to my purpose.

To thrive is to care for the world I live in.

To thrive is to live in a way that is deeply satisfying.

To thrive is to love myself.

To thrive is to believe in myself.

To thrive is to believe that I matter.

To thrive, to truly thrive, to live in joy and peace, I need to understand at the core of my being the meaning of ubuntu: I am because you are.


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