Musings On The Art Of Belonging

“To feel as if you belong is one of the great triumphs of human existence — and especially, to sustain a life of belonging and to invite others into that.” _ David Whyte

When I connect with the feeling-tone of belonging, I want to take a deep slow breath in, inviting life into myself … and I see … ripples emanating from my heart in ever expanding circles.

To me, belonging feels equally like an offering and a gift, that grows from tenderness and contentment within my own being. Belonging has its roots in kindness, first to self and then to others. Belonging is spinning a web, whose source originates within my being and whose threads are spun from radical acceptance.

Belonging asks of me to move closer to my true self, to be more of ME, so I can participate in life from a place of fullness. To belong is to feel at home within myself.

To live a life of belonging and to invite others into it, as David Whyte suggests, I need to live daringly while also holding a sacred and safe space for myself and for you.


Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash


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