Sacred Pregnancy Circle

Imagine coming together with likeminded pregnant women who want to connect more deeply with themselves, their baby and each other.

This circle is for you, if

  • You are looking for a facilitated space to connect emotionally and spiritually with yourself and your baby.

  • You want to surround yourself with kindred pregnant mamas to celebrate this amazing, awe-inspiring and often challenging time in your life.

  • You are looking to build a village of mamas who will walk alongside you in motherhood.

We will talk, create, share, listen, breathe

and celebrate with each other.

Topics or themes might include:

  • exploring what it means to be a mama

  • celebrating your changing body and growing baby

  • letting go of fear

  • staying emotionally/ spiritually connected with yourself and baby

  • preparing for a supportive postpartum experience

  • making your breath your ally

Each session also includes guided breath, relaxation or centering practices, to help you build an even deeper connection with yourself and your baby.

The Circle is facilitated by Uschi Heyd. Uschi is a trained natural childbirth educator, mother and grandmother. She used to teach pregnancy yoga and natural birth classes for many years. These days she spends her time caring for women doing massage and offering one-on-one coaching and mentoring programs for women in preparation for birth and parenting and during any other life stage.

Please contact Uschi if you are interested or want to learn more.

027 360 0238

The idea is to run weekly sessions over 6 weeks.
Venue: The Movement Space, Vogel Street, Central Dunedin
Proposed time: Wednesdays 11am OR 1pm start
Start Date of our first sessions depends on interest. So please get in touch if you are interested now or in the near future.